
A series of Physalis wallpapers made by me.
This is actually proposal Artwork for Gutsy/Ubuntu.
The walls are extremely lightweight (only 27,7KB :: 2560×1600)


I hope you’ll enjoy them!

Get ’em!

xdg-user-dirs icon set for Ubuntu Human theme (preview)

The next Ubuntu release Gutsy comes with a new xdg-user-dirs tool which manage “well known” user directories like the Desktop, Documents, Downloads and the Music folders.

This folders have to be recognizable among those others inside the the home directory. So I just thought I’ll give it a shot, and created this folders with carved emblems. I used original folder icons from Ubuntu Human theme.


This is my first attempt, so lets call it “alpha-release” 🙂

I want to hear some feedback from you, so feel free to comment or contact me.

P.S. Made with GIMP and Inkscape.